Cowboy Action - SASS
The Cowboy Action range at Courtenay Fish and Game has ten outdoor shooting bays, set in a frontier village called Boomtown. Our shooters are members of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), along with approximately 100,000 others worldwide. Our official SASS club name is “The Valley Regulators”. There is one other club on Vancouver Island at the Victoria Fish & Game range. We have the finest cowboy action range in Canada, and quite possibly the world. There are 19 permanent structures in Boomtown with four full buildings which we use for a variety of purposes, including storage, clubhouse, museum, and machinery shed. We have electricity only to the Saloon - our clubhouse - and no indoor plumbing in Boomtown. This is the old West!
We hold a five or six-stage match every third and fifth Saturday of the month, rain or shine, year-round. All our matches start with a mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 and we kick off the shooting at 10:00. Costumed competitors each bring their own hand-loaded or commercial ammunition (lead only, no jacketed ammo), as well as two single-action revolvers, a single action rifle, and a shotgun. It's helpful to carry all the gear in a gun cart, and the wide variety of interesting home-made and commercial gun carts is often worthy of a competition in itself. Each shooting stage consists of a fixed number of steel targets which must be shot in a predetermined order. Usually there are a total of 10 pistol, 10 rifle and four to six shotgun targets per stage. Some of our shooters can finish a stage in less than 20 seconds - that’s 24 shots with single-action firearms.
Spectators are always welcome to our matches and we’re happy to supply eye and ear protection if you don’t have your own. If you’re interested in Cowboy Action Shooting call Ed Gee at 250-897-2194. We’ll get you out to watch a match and then set up a time to try some old west style shooting. We post current information and photos on the Fish and Game newsletter, as well as our website: valleyregulators.com. For more information about SASS, check out their website: sassnet.com.
We also spend a lot of time constructing and maintaining the town. There is a sturdy core of volunteers who show up at least once a month to keep Boomtown working and looking better all the time. If you're interested in joining us, we have work parties every second Saturday of the month, starting at 9:00. Bring your hammer!
Email cowboyaction@courtenayfishandgame.org for more information
or check out https://www.valleyregulators.com/