The Hatchery
Hatchery History
Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association (CDFGPA) has raised Trent River Coho from 1979 to 2015 at a hatchery at the Puntledge Townsite, but the water quality deteriorated so much over the years that the hatchery was decommissioned in 2016. Since then the CDFGPA has raised the Trent River Coho at the Puntledge hatchery until a sustainable supply of water was identified. With the building of the new drinking water intake the CDFGPA was able to secure 3000 l/min of water for a new hatchery on their Comox Lake property.
The design for the new hatchery was started in January 2017 and continues as we refine the details to fit the donated equipment that we identified. When completed the hatchery will be a show piece for our Association and its conservation programming.
Volunteer Opportunities
This project is going to take the whole association to achieve. If you are interested in volunteering please give the office a call. They will be keeping a list of people who are will to help and what skills they can provide to the project. We will contact each of you to keep you posted as we move forward.