IDPA Pistol Shooting Section
IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) is a fun and safe way to learn dynamic pistol skills and sharpen your gun handling and shooting abilities. The association was founded in 1996 and boasts more than 25,000 members in over 70 different countries. IDPA offers and exciting forum for practical shooters in which truly practical equipment, techniques and courses of fire are mandated.
Prior to IDPA, there was no place to compete with common service pistols as well as not shooting sports where your everyday carry holster could also be your match holster without handicap. Obviously US based in it's mission, as we do not have every day carry options in Canada, this sport still challenges shooters with their everyday equipment and does not get into "equipment" races for fancier firearms designed for speed competitions.
Who can Compete?
In a word, everybody. IDPA membership and matches are open to all people who can legally own a handgun, regardless of occupation, race, gender or religion. IDPA members come from all walks of life and represent all skill levels within the shooting sports.
What equipment do I need?
You will need a center-fire pistol in 9MM, 40SW, 45ACP or a Pistol Caliber Carbine. You will need a minimum of 3 magazines and both a firearm holster and 2 mag pouches that can be worn on your everyday belt. "Competition" or "Tactical Gear" configurations are discouraged. Of course ear and eye protection is mandatory.
CDFGPA offers bi-weekly practice sessions on every second Wednesday evening when daylight permits and runs monthly matches for those who have achieved basic pistol proficiency. You can check the club calendar here to see the upcoming events.
Please download our full overview and match process document by clicking HERE
We also have a dedicated Facebook Page and a mailing list for those who would like to follow us in more detail. Click HERE for our Facebook Page and email to be added to our mailing list.
Inaugural IDPA Match Shooters Sept 2023